things i am.....


1. opening day in coors field, clap clap clap clap clap clap tu-lo

2. a gallon of jim beam in my hand

3. to watch the nfl draft

4. playing my new game THE SHOW

5. watching the lakers win it all


1. cankles turning 26?maybe its 24? he can't be younger than 23, really he is only 21, happy birthday peary

2. having to drink coors on opening day at coors field

3. the empty bottle of jim beam

4. missing the college world series for the second year in a row

5. my 1-8 start in my franchise

Things that i have recently found out i dont care about

1. Bridal shows

2. Who the chiefs get as a head coach

3. The NHL all star game

4. Reading the informers blog, but i really am reading it

5. Finding a job

6. The New President

7. Gossip girl and friday night lights, only because there was a very bad episode which ruined the whole show

8. who mel kiper picks in the draft because he has no f ing idea

9. being aware of the time, its a pretty care free way to live

10. Cankles health

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Welcome one and welcome all, to the brother site to the all infamous "informer". This site will guarantee nothing but a good clean update on whatever i want to talk about. The informer will most likely have a strong influence on this site; and I would really like this site to be more of a post whatever you want, kind of like a message board. I will most likely not be writing good literature, or even about anything that anybody even cares to read. There is also a 90% chance that i will never update this blog, and if i do there is almost a 100% chance that anybody i know will not care one bit. So thank you for reading my very first blog, and please come back again.

Holla at your Boy

The Zest

1 comment:

BA said...

nice picture of you taking a lap around a tree!!!!!!!